Tag: white supremacist

Black women STOP attending Black Lives Matter protests – something is wrong

Alex Mayers suggests Black women stop attending Black Lives Matter protests due to the movement having lost its direction (no longer revolving around the lives of Black women) – AND due to the danger of the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition Alex Mayers reviews this history of how the Democratic Party gained Black American loyalty and how the message many so called Black male “leaders” spew today is the opposite of Martin Luther King Jr’s (which is dangerous as it opens the door for dangerous white supremacists to gain ground and further their segregationist agendas).

Hawk Newsome does not speak for all Black Americans & Wakanda isn’t real (yet)

Alex Mayers makes it clear that Hawk Newsome of Black Lives Matter does NOT speak for her, her family or many other African Americans. Alex explains that whether Hawk realizes it or not, his claim that “Blacks don’t trust politicians” sounds ill thought because the reality is he’s positioned HIMSELF as a politician (so is he in actuality suggesting the people he claims to represent not trust him?).

From Alex’s perspective Hawk is not much different than white supremacist David Duke – and Alex feels that at this stage but Hawk Newsome and Shaun King should likely look into building a real life “Wakanda” in Haiti since they’re so unhappy in America and don’t like “white” people.