concerns revolving around Talent Health Labs, Kiki D’Aire, PASS, XXXstarPR & Michael Fattorosi
Alexandra Mayers of the PNTLIVE network reviews some questionable elements and concerns revolving around Talent Health Labs (a venture of Alert Cloud), public figure known as Michael Fattorosi (the lawyer who was involved with Pornwikileaks) and the criminal enterprise associated with sex trafficking within the pornography industry known as XxxstarPR.
As of current Talent Health Labs DOES NOT appear to be a part of the Free Speech Coalition’s PASS network.
an analysis of the lawsuit involving the founder of Pornwikileaks, Heather Deep & Marc Randazza
Alex Mayers reviews the legal complaint filing of the lawsuit filed against the founder of Pornwikileaks and Heather Deep. The lawsuit was initially filed by Sun N Fun RV park. Marc Randazza was the founder of Pornwikileaks initial lawyer in this case (Randazza has been in communication with the founder of Pornwikileaks since at least 2015).
As of current Marc Randazza is attempting to evade involvement in the NFL Washington team owner Daniel Snyder defamation case.