Tag: masks

Political News Time – the Mike Pence stage show breakdown: no mask, Faith & the Coronavirus FIRE

In part one of the 06.26.20 PNTLIVE broadcast political commentator Alex Mayers breaks down the “Mike Pence” stage show – which consists of running around in public without a face covering in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as a show of faith and to display to Trump’s “elite” voting base that he (and they) are protected by God (and they just might be).

Political News Time – Racism, Tokenism & a history lesson about Trump courtesy of Omarosa’s book

On tonight’s broadcast – Alex reminds her viewers that the Covid-19 pandemic is
far from over and that continuing to practice good hygiene and wearing a mask
is very important.

In addition Alex shares some thoughts on how many of today’s older politicians
embody and project more racist ideals than she’s comfortable with, which is why
she’d prefer to see Presidential election ticket with younger candidates.

Also Alex Mayers explains how “tokenism” is an issue that many African-Americans
contend with and she relates the situation to Omarosa Manigault Newman’s experience
with Donald Trump.

Alex concludes the podcast with a bit of history from Omarosa’s book in regards
to the personal beef between Donald Trump and Barack Obama – and how that beef
may have led to Trump’s decision to run for President.

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