Tag: kanye west

Kanye West & Jared Kushner get together – Musicians (the new politicians)

Alex Mayers reviews the latest political gossip revolving around a mysterious meeting between Jared Kushner and Kanye West in Colorado – Alex also shares her personal thoughts as to why as our society shifts from a patriarchy to a matriarchy musicians may shift into the roles of politicians.

Kanye West & the Republicans focus on the future (twitter lives in the past)

Alex Mayers reviews the latest news revolving around Independent Presidential candidate (of The Birthday party) Kanye West and shares some news in regards to him allegedly getting help from Republican operatives.
In addition, Alex relates her thoughts in regards to the Republican Party being the party of the future and Twitter desperately needing to become a far more fair and balanced platform to keep up with the times.

Kanye West is still running for President (which is awesome)! WAKANDA forever!

Alex Mayers reviews a few elements from Kanye West’s first political campaign engagement – and outlines that though many may not be “ready” to hear his perspectives on American history & abortion in the Black community, it is TIME for the conversations & discussions his perspective will spark.

Kanye West is running for President with the help of Kim Kardashian & Elon Musk! WAKANDA forever!


In this installment of Political News Time, Alex Mayers reviews Kaye West’s recent statements as reported by Forbes in regards to his 2020 presidential run. Considering that Kanye has the Kardashians and Elon Musk of SpaceX on his team he will likely win!

Alex Mayers also shares her thoughts in regards to the Mount Rushmore controversy.


Kanye West : America’s Next President & the Kardashians in the White House

Alex Mayers discusses Kanye West’s recent announcement revolving around running for President and explains why putting the Kardashians in the White House would be the perfect follow up to Donald Trump.