Tag: kamala harris

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are a problem for sex workers – Michael Fattorosi weighs in

Alex Mayers reviews a recent exchange between adult industry lawyer a Michael Fattorosi and the acting President of the APAG Union in regards the the reality of VP nominee Kamala Harris historically being problematic to sex workers.
In addition, Alex examines the history of Alana Evans’ linkage to the escort agency charged with sex trafficking known as The Luxury Companion.

a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for COLORISM, racism & hypocrisy

Alex Mayers gets a little emotional in this podcast… though in the past Alex has had some fairly nice and supportive things to say about Kamala Harris, as of current she feels that a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for colorism’s detrimental impact upon visibly identifiable members of the ADOS community, racism and hypocrisy.

Kamala Harris May be technically Black according to the archaic “one drop rule”, and by technical definition she may be able to label herself African American due to being American and having a small degree of African lineage – but is she ADOS and does she speak for women who’ve had the life experience of Alex Mayers? No (so she should stop attempting to – as it’s very insulting).

Political News Time: Democrats’ criticism of Obama, Trumps’ narcissism & the Catch 22 of Biden – Omarosa’s book is the key

Alex Mayers share’s her perspective as to why Democratic candidates face a “damned if they do, damned if they don’t” catch 22 situation in regards to their fight to be proclaimed as the Democratic Presidential nominee
due to Joe Beiden’s presence as a Democratic candidate.

Alex also reviews a passage from Omarosa Manigualt Newman’s book “Unhinged” which may be a key
in regards to what led to Donald Trump’s presidency and today’s political climate (that is if you
want to turn a blind eye to the possibility that the world of American and International politics
in actuality may have already been pre-determined years ago, and today’s antics possibly being no more than false front for situations that have been orchestrated by “unseen

The Fiercest Democratic Debate in 2020 Is About Barack Obama

Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything

What misogynist and White Supremacy enabler Tariq Nasheed doesn’t want you to know about his agenda of popularizing the term “Negro Bed Wenches”

Alex Mayers recently had a rather unsettling Twitter exchange with the misogynist and trouble maker known as Tariq Nasheed (which resulted in his minions unjustly labeling Alex a “negro bed wench”). Upon investigation, it appears that for quite a few years, Tariq has consistently targeted and bullied Black women – but the question is WHY?

In January of 2019 Tariq attempted to bully Presidential candidate Kamala Harris and has essentially called her “Blackness” into question, but ironically research has revealed Tariq’s own wife looks quite a bit like Kamala.

Is the fact that Kamala is married to a white man rather than a black man the REAL problem Tariq has with Kamala?

Learn more on Political News Time bye clicking here.

Below is the emotional Alexandra Mayers LIVE podcast in regards to Tariq Nasheed’s electing to label many Black women “Negro Bed Wenches” – which is a term that validates the strategic ABUSE, MISTREATMENT and DEGRADATION of Black women.

Political News Time – Kamala Harris promises to disarm White Nationalists & thoughts on Steve King

Alex Mayers shares the latest news of 2020 Presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s promise to get firearms out of the hands of White Nationalists who pose a domestic terrorism threat. Alex also discusses the horrifying stance Iowa representative and white supremacist Steve King recently publicly shared in regards to his rationalization of rape and incest.

Find links referenced in this video podcast and other information (along with podcast archives) on www.PoliticalNewsTime.com