Tag: covid-19

Political News Time – Donald Trump labels Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate” just in time for Vanilla Ice’s comeback


In this broadcast of Political News Time, Alex Mayers reviews a cnn article which outlines Donald Trump electing to label Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate”.


Alex also discusses an upcoming concert put on by the white 90s rap icon Vanilla Ice (which was canceled as of 07.02.20 due to the coronavirus)


UPDATED COVID-19 FAQ from the Free Speech Coalition – IT IS NOT SAFE to test outside of PASS!

The Free Speech Coalition PASS network has released an updated COVID-19 FAQ –

On multiple occasions the leader of the Free Speech Coalition (Michelle LeBlanc) has made it clear that it is not safe to test outside of their network. Talent Testing Services IS NO LONGER a part of the PASS approved network of clinics.

As of current an entity known as “Kelli Roberts” who is linked to the criminally charged sex trafficking group known as The Luxury Companion is consistently attempting to sway active talent to test OUTSIDE of the Free Speech Coalition PASS network of clinics – for what reasons as to why are unclear – but what is clear is that anything “Kelli Roberts” suggests is a BAD IDEA.

Black women STOP attending Black Lives Matter protests – something is wrong

Alex Mayers suggests Black women stop attending Black Lives Matter protests due to the movement having lost its direction (no longer revolving around the lives of Black women) – AND due to the danger of the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition Alex Mayers reviews this history of how the Democratic Party gained Black American loyalty and how the message many so called Black male “leaders” spew today is the opposite of Martin Luther King Jr’s (which is dangerous as it opens the door for dangerous white supremacists to gain ground and further their segregationist agendas).

Political News Time – Racism, Tokenism & a history lesson about Trump courtesy of Omarosa’s book

On tonight’s broadcast – Alex reminds her viewers that the Covid-19 pandemic is
far from over and that continuing to practice good hygiene and wearing a mask
is very important.

In addition Alex shares some thoughts on how many of today’s older politicians
embody and project more racist ideals than she’s comfortable with, which is why
she’d prefer to see Presidential election ticket with younger candidates.

Also Alex Mayers explains how “tokenism” is an issue that many African-Americans
contend with and she relates the situation to Omarosa Manigault Newman’s experience
with Donald Trump.

Alex concludes the podcast with a bit of history from Omarosa’s book in regards
to the personal beef between Donald Trump and Barack Obama – and how that beef
may have led to Trump’s decision to run for President.

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PNTLIVE NEWS ALERT – Will porn industry conventions become Corona Virus GROUND ZERO? AVOID EXXXOTICA – UPDATED 3.12.20 – EXXXOTICA IS CANCELED!

Will the porn industry conventions such as EXXXOTICA become corona virus COVID-19 GROUND ZERO? Are APAG Union officer Kelly Pierce’s concerns over this health issue falling on deaf ear? Why hasn’t Michelle LeBlanc of the Free Speech Coalition called for a nation wide adult industry convention moratorium? Learn more on this link: http://www.pornnewstoday.com/index.php/2020/03/09/will-the-porn-industry-conventions-become-coronavirus-ground-zero-are-industry-union-officer-kelly-pierces-concerns-over-covid-19-falling-on-deaf-ears/


the EXXXOTICA Chicago adult convention has been CANCELED due to the Corona Virus COVID-19