Political News Time – Kamala Harris promises to disarm White Nationalists & thoughts on Steve King
Alex Mayers shares the latest news of 2020 Presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s promise to get firearms out of the hands of White Nationalists who pose a domestic terrorism threat. Alex also discusses the horrifying stance Iowa representative and white supremacist Steve King recently publicly shared in regards to his rationalization of rape and incest.
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Bernie Sanders has pledged to go to war against White Nationalists if elected
Alex Mayers discusses recent news in regards to Bernie Sanders going to war against the domestic terrorism in America stemming from White Nationalists and White Supremacists if elected President of the United States of America.
In addition Alex discusses 3 young white male potential mass shooters being foiled over the past 3 days and a news item out of Nairobi Kenya in regards to making dead beat dad politicians take accountability for their children.