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For over 3 years CHILDREN were used to promote Dogfart Network porn

Porn News Today has uncovered that for over 3 years (starting December of 2014) a video was posted online which spliced together (via editing) footage of young American children with pornstars (who were reciting sexually charged racist language) in an apparent effort to drive traffic to the Dogfart Network pornography websites and to promote Dogfart adult content.

As of current, Dogfart Network and it’s parent company Directech denies being aware of the video featuring the children though it was online and easily found using the keywords “dogfart racists”.
It is likely the video was a form of the unorthodox marketing style by the now deceased Mike Kulich.

Interestingly Dogfart appears to have been able to utilize a copyright claim to have the video featuring the children removed from online, yet appears not to be willing to use a copyright claim to stop the racist and homophobic hate crime of Pornwikileaks from utilizing their logos in attempt to coerce current and ex pornstars to commit suicide.

As of May 17th, 2018 – mainstream media has reported that a Black male pornstar has filed a lawsuit against Dogfart Network for being labeled the N-word twice ON-SET in the workplace (though he did not consent that day to be labeled as such).

It is highly advised that pornstars and adult industry professionals no longer work with Dogfart Network or Directech.

Porn News Today LIVE! Talent Testing Services losing pornstars’ blood?

Recent tweets to Adult Performers Actors Guild President Alana Evans reveal what appears to be an incident of Talent Testing Services (a division of Biocollections World Wide) having lost a pornstar’s blood. Additional tweets to Alana Evans from another one of her followers in the industry points to Talent Testing Services exploiting additional blood draws from performers to sell for extra profit.

Porn Bloggers who Bully Alleged Assault Victims

There is a disturbing trend of porn bloggers routinely bullying pornstars who are alleged victims of “on set” assault. This week APAG union member India Morel called out a porn blogger known as Kelli Roberts for assault, but let’s not forget Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL’s multiple years worth of bullying pornstars.
The question is, why is the Adult Performer’s Advocacy Committee (APAC) listed as a “Diamond Sponsor” of TRPWL, where as today, TRPWL mocked the APAC’s President Tasha Reign’s assault allegations? Does APAC condone TRPWL’s bullying?

India Morel did not make fun of an assault victim on her recent podcast.

As of May 14th 2018 porn blogger Kelli Roberts skewed the facts in regards to podcast host India Morel “laughing at” or “making fun of” an assault victim.
In actuality, in the podcast Roberts (a blogger controlled by Derek Hay of La Direct Models and Dwight aka Dave of The Luxury Companion) is referring to – India conducted an extraordinary interview with pornstar Adria Rae…an interview which revealed some interesting allegations and information in regards to Derek Hay’s orchestrated racially based discrimination within the American porn industry AND what appears to be his intentional cultivation of a racist atmosphere within the professional culture of the talent he represents.

Is Adria Rae in danger since speaking out about LADirect Models?

Is Adria Rae in danger since speaking out about LADirect Models? why was her Twitter account @adriaraexx deleted? why is blogger Kelli Roberts (an associate of LA direct models) being accused of bullying Adria? follow Adria’s new account @istandwithadria



Sheena Shaw, pregnancy allegations & John Stagliano

a quick porn news & rumor history review and commentary in regards to “straight” porn industry actor, performer, director & studio owners John Stagliano, HIV & the pregnancy allegations of pornstar Sheena Shaw.

Performers in porn can now be seen as employees

ninth circuit embraces ‘abc rule’ in deciding who’s an employee which opens the door for porn performers to now be viewed as employees rather than independent contractors.