Don’t Tell Me How To Ruin My Life aka The Jason Quinlan Files – Introduction
Alexandra Mayers recovers an important collection of journals (blogs) by Jason Quinlan (an SEO expert who laid the foundation of much of the adult entertainment industry’s online presence as we know it today). Quinlan’s journals include details of the controversy which revolves around Charlie Sheen’s HIV issues as well as raw, no holds barred opinions on one of today’s most popular pornstar talent agencies known as OC modeling. DTMHTRML also includes several accounts of high octane (and dangerous) experiences from Quinlans own life as both a jet setting adult industry computer mogul and a touring musician (Quinlan is a lead guitarist and vocalist in a band called Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles).
This video is the introduction to the “Don’t Tell Me How To Ruin My Life” commentary – with several more installments to come in the next few weeks.
Follow Jason Quinlan on Twitter @JasonQuinlan7 – and visit his new online music business
coming up on PNTLIVE – anti-Black male racism in porn, Bobbi Dylan fights for civil rights & more!
* 3 reports of anti-Black male racism in the adult entertainment industry
* social media influencer Bobbi Dylan fights for civil rights by protesting in Las Vegas
* Michelle LeBlanc and the Free Speech Coalition openly support the #BlackLivesMatter movement
* a list of racists in the adult industry posted on