Category: politics

An educational & insightful interview with adult actress & performer advocate Lasha Lane (part 2)

In part 2 of this comprehensive interview with adult actress and adult performer advocate Lasha Lane (click here to view part 1) – Lasha outlines what she feels are cost inequities within the FSC controlled PASS system and how some studios appear to be “grandfathered” into the pass network and don’t have to pay to access talent records (whereas others do).

In addition Lasha Lane makes it clear that she’s willing to work with all of the adult industry leadership entities (such as the FSC, APAC and APAG) as she feels that they’d all be more effective were they to unite (opposed to continuing to fight).

Lasha states that one of her goals is keep the government out of the adult industry (in regards to regulation). Lasha Lane also delves into the perception of Black (African American) women in the industry (the mainstream vs. urban debate) and expresses how she is glad that a few Black women in the industry are finally exercising their voice.

Lasha Lane shares her long term objectives within the adult entertainment industry and outlines how she believes the long standing adult industry institutions, media outlets and awards shows (such as AVN ) at their core seem to want to be more inclusive and promote diversity, but don’t appear to know exactly how to do so (due to the “old guard” within the industry)… Lasha hopes that her efforts will shift the industry in a more productive and positive direction when it comes to educating the industry (as a whole) in regards to what inclusiveness in actuality is.

The primary change Lasha Lane feels should occur within the industry should be the elimination of pornstar talent agents, agencies and publicists – due to people in such positions having too much perceived (and unjustified) “power” in regards to the type of content produced, who works (versus who doesn’t), the existence of the illegal problematic prostitution rackets, and the global “trends” the industry at times dictates (as being valid) to the public.

In the upcoming part 3 of this interview Lasha Lane goes into detail in regards to the dispute between APAG union leaders and FSC leaders in regards to a future proposed program to provide adult performers with RESOURCES and EDUCATE adult performers as to what the realities of what the porn industry really are.

the podcast that revealed how the adult entertainment industry’s “Unions” (APAG & IEAU) are built upon the foundation of SEX TRAFFICKING

In a Hot Sugar Tea interview on March 20, 2020 – the public figure (pornstar) known as Mrs. Kelly Pierce (aka Donald Shore) alleges that Phyllisha Anne aka Amanda Gullesserian attained money for the I.E.A.U. (the adult industry union that is responsible for creating APAG – the Adult Performers Actors Guild) by escorting.

Mrs. Kelly Pierce also claims to know the name of the “John” who gave Phyllisha the money to fund the I.E.A.U.

Is SEX TRAFFICKING the foundation BOTH the I.E.A.U. and APAG porn industry unions are built upon? If so, both unions need to be dismantled IMMEDIATELY!

I.E.A.U. founder Phyllisha Anne’s aka Amanda Gullesserian claims of bullying by non-elected acting Adult Performers Actors Guild president Alana Evans aka Dawn Marie Dangaard reflect Melissa Hill aka Lorrie Lizama’s claims of stalking, harassment intimidation and abuse by Alana aka Dawn Marie Dangaard.

The individuals known as Phyllisha Anne, Alana Evans and Melissa Hill are all public figures who’s legal names have been public knowledge for years. Referring to each of these individuals by their full legal names is not doxxing (and is far more appropriate than referring to them as their stage names considering that the issues that they are involved in today revolve around mainstream politics and legalities within the United States of America).

Last night on a podcast known as Hot Sugar Tea, the pornstar Alana Evans (known to out Donald Trump’s) situation with Stormy Daniels shared what sounded like a confidential communication exchange between herself and California Assembly Member Lorena S. Gonzalez in regards to Assembly Bill 2389 (a bill which would help to stop sex trafficking in the pornography industry). In the exchange Gonzalez allegedly states she believed she could get Assembly Member Christina Garcia to drop the bill.

The question is: why does Lorena Gonzalez appear to be so willing to help a pornstar (linked to illegal prostitution) squelch a California bill that could halt a substantial amount of sex trafficking within the pornography industry?

Not good.

It’s important to note that one of the lawyers who provides free services to the union Alana Evans is the non-elected President of ALSO provides his services to a prostitution (escort) agency known as The Luxury Companion.


Marianne Williamson supports Andrew Yang! Plus thoughts on men in 2020 & a marathon training update

January 24th Political News Time Live podcast replay: Alex Mayers shares additional thoughts as to why she feels supporting Andrew Yang for President is a great idea.

She also reads some recent news in regards to Marianne Williamson’s support of Andrew Yang.

In addition, Alex suggests American men start being far more supportive of and nicer to women. To conclude the podcast Alex gives a personal update in regards to a marathon she’s training to run later in the year.

Alberto Daniel Hill aka The Hacker – Mr. Robot meets The Matrix – part 2

Alex Mayers continues sharing the story of Alberto Daniel Hill ( @Adanielhill ) aka The Hacker and offers him some (harsh but solid) advice about life.

Alberto is a man who has gone down in history as the first “hacker” criminally sentenced to prison in Uruguay THOUGH today he is alleging that he was wrongly charged and essentially “set up” by a corrupt South American justice system.

As of current Alberto has “dropped a bomb” alleging that the Judge who sent him to prison is married to a man, who has a friend who attempted to coerce Alberto to hack into a bank (that he was once a customer of).

Please visit and to learn details about Alberto’s amazing (and true) story – which is set to developed into a movie or multi part Netflix type series.

Have Kayden Kross & Ana Foxxx gone bananas? Racism rumors, Playboy & The Luxury Companion

Rumors surfaced on social media earlier this week revolving around alleged claims of racism against pornstars and directors Kayden Kross and Manuel Ferrera. According to the story released on Twitter, which a Black pornstar (and apparent escort for The Luxury Companion) known as Ana Foxxx appeared to confirm: Ana and a few other Black pornstars were directed to hold bananas in an adult content scene, as well as performer sexual acts in an unsanitary environment (allegedly on a carpet covered in a cat’s urine) hosted by Kayden Kross.

Supposedly, throughout the day in Ana’s presence Kayden and Manuel spoke inappropriately and unprofessionally about Blacks and/or people of color. Ana (according to the story) was threatened not to say anything publicly about the situation by an agent known as Mark Spiegler. Mark Spiegler represents another up and coming Black pornstar (once known as Ajaa) who was cast in the Kayden / Manuel adult content shoot in question alongside Ana Foxxx. Ajaa (as of current) does not appear to have publicly stated anything about the alleged situation.

The question is whether or not the rumor is true and/or accurate considering that Ana Foxxx did NOT post the story on her own social media account. In addition, considering the other parties involved, is the rumor no more than an attempt to destroy the careers of BOTH Ana Foxxx and Mark Spiegler by Dave of The Luxury Companion (who as of current works closely with a criminal known as Ari Bass aka Michael Whiteacre – a primary blogger for a TLC controlled website called MikeSouth . com)?

Could it be that the other pornstar on set that day known as Ajaa wants Ana to be shunned from the industry so that she can “take her spot”?

What’s interesting about this rumor of racism is that it calls into direct question the motives of not only Ana Foxx, but Michael Whiteacre aka Ari Bass’s link to illegal prostitution activity. It has been long known that Ari’s “sponsor”, Dave of The Luxury Companion, has a desire to force Mark Spiegler out of the adult industry.

The most disturbing element of this rumor is how the situation points towards Playboy Plus partnering with The Luxury Companion to sextraffick pornstars into potentially dangerous and abusive situations. Learn more on

Why I support Andrew Yang & respect Evelyn Yang – plus thoughts on the racism Asian Americans contend with

Political commentary from Alex Mayers in regards to why she supports Andrew Yang, the #yanggang, his wife Evelyn and how she is tired of the skewed and racist picture European & white American males have painted of Asian Americans (namely women). Find more political commentary from Alex Mayers on

how Hollywood & the adult entertainment industry changed HIV legislation

Alex Mayers political commentary on a new 2018 law that went into effect in California which reduced the penalty for knowingly transmitting HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor. Could it be that this change went into effect due to the high percentage of wealthy and Caucasian individuals within both the mainstream Hollywood and adult entertainment industries being HIV positive?

Dr. Drew Pinsky may enter the political arena to clean up Southern California!

Alex Mayers shares her political commentary in regards to the amazing Dr. Drew Pinsky’s probable congressional run in Southern California as a Democrat. Alex feels Dr. Drew would be a very effective and good politician for the people of Southern California considering his background as a Doctor who specializes in mental health.

Click here to learn more about this post – and other happening in Politics on