Category: politics

WEAPONIZED Racism, interracial dodgers & Donald Trump – why you shouldn’t believe Alana Evans

Alex Mayers explains the concept of “WEAPONIZED racism” and explains how the sexworker and pornstar (known for her interracial scenes) Alana Evans may have used the taboo practice of John’s preferring “interracial dodger” pornstars (such as Stormy Daniels) to her advantage.

Political News Time – Bill Cosby, systemic racism & white privilege enabled pimps like Hugh Hefner

In this installment of Political News Time Alex Mayers reviews the latest news revolving around Bill Cosby’s claims of systemic racism and shares commentary in regards to how from her perspective Cosby in actuality benefited greatly from America’s racist climate.

Alex also questions if Cosby’s latest cries of racism are rooted in the reality of his peers of European decent NOT being taken to task legally for the same “crimes” that he’s been forced to take accountability for.

Alex also points out that Cosby’s recently departed friend Hugh Hefner essentially was a White privilege enabled pimp (who never would have been able to establish Playboy were he had been a person of color). In the United States of America, white privileged enabled pimps and prostitutes greatly benefit from systemic racism – so Cosby is both right and wrong to “pull the race card”.

Kanye West : America’s Next President & the Kardashians in the White House

Alex Mayers discusses Kanye West’s recent announcement revolving around running for President and explains why putting the Kardashians in the White House would be the perfect follow up to Donald Trump.

Happy 4th of July! Examining the types of people who still support BLM and who desire to “defund the police”

Alex Mayers explains why if you live in America, regardless of your ethnicity you should celebrate the 4th of July. In addition she goes into detail in regards to certain types of individuals who you should NOT listen to when it comes to whether or not to follow the BLM movement.

Political News Time – Jeffrey Epstein’s friend Ghislaine Maxwell arrested – plus some relationship advice

Alex Mayers reports on the recent arrest of Jeffrey Epstein’s “confidante” and offers some advice to women in “open” relationships with men.

Political News Time – Donald Trump labels Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate” just in time for Vanilla Ice’s comeback


In this broadcast of Political News Time, Alex Mayers reviews a cnn article which outlines Donald Trump electing to label Black Lives Matter a “symbol of hate”.

Alex also discusses an upcoming concert put on by the white 90s rap icon Vanilla Ice (which was canceled as of 07.02.20 due to the coronavirus)