Category: political news time

Political News Time returns March 4 @ 8pm CST

A few thoughts on the Russia situation & a few announcements in regards to my projects.

Subscribe to the PoliticalNewsTime channel on YouTube here to watch live Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays starting March 4, 2022:

Marc Randazza & Ari Bass of Honey House PR LIED in the Daniel Snyder NFL team owner defamation case

This month BOTH Marc Randazza and Ari Bass blatantly LIED in court filings (related to the NFL Washington team owner Daniel Snyder’s defamation case – in which Ari Bass’s PR firm Honey House media is linked) in regards to their history of working together and the history of their personal and professional relationship. In addition they lied about Alexandra Mayers being their “stalker” (in actuality the reverse is true – both men stalked Alexandra Mayers for many years).

So Marc Randazza and Ari Bass of Honey House PR are in legal trouble with NFL Washington team owner Daniel Snyder – and they’re trying to deflect from their relationship and history by trashing Alexandra Mayers fka Monica Foster

PNTLIVE – IRL NEWS UPDATE – IRL STREAMER goes too far & defecates on Nancy Pelosi’s driveway

It was only a few days ago that YouTube streamer Dope District was laughing about Alex Mayers covering IRL streamers here on Political News Time – but what Dope (and many others) don’t realize about Alex Mayers is that she has incredible foresight…
Today an IRL streamer linked to Ice Poseidon IP2 network made a bad decision…he elected to defecate in Nancy Pelosi’s driveway… he was promptly arrested and it’s quite likely that every poster on the IP2 forum (anonymous or not) has been added to a government watch list as of today.

Salmon Andy questioned while riding away from Pelosi’s home “who the fuck is Alexandra Mayers?”

The answer is complicated… coming soon & Kenosha shooting commentary

Alex Mayers announces a new project she will be working on while she travels called (which is just an excuse to give IRL streaming a try and recap on occasion) and shares her thoughts and commentary in regards to the recent (and tragic) Kenosha shooting situation.

BLM may be a vehicle to justify black male mass imprisonment and extermination in America.

Alex Mayers shares and comments on a recent Fox News segment featuring Dr. Ben Carson in regards to his observations of the current climate of hate and division in America linked to political protests such as Black Lives Matter.

Alex warns that Blm protests may be a vehicle to justify black male mass imprisonment and extermination in America.

IRL streamer news & commentary on Skimask Andy, marijuana addiction, Blade & Ebz

Alex Mayers gives another update on Skimask Andy’s legal situation (he seems to be stuck in jail still and his next court date is on September 10). Alex also shares her thoughts on why it’s not a good idea (in her opinion) to overindulge in marijuana (especially when you’re young) – along with some commentary on IRL streamers Blade and Ice Poseidon’s buddy Ebz.

First impressions of Donald Trump’s family who spoke at the RNC

Alex Mayers shares her first impressions of Donald Trumps family (Tiffany, Eric & Melania Trump) who spoke at the RNC.

(The date is incorrect on this video – not sure why I’m in a rush for it to be October – lol!)